We appreciate everyones desire to race the Park City Point 2 Point and hope you all have a rewarding experinece. There are racers travleing from 24 states to participate in this years event, thanks to those of you traveling great distances and for choosing to race in Park City, UT!
Here is a link to our website that contains all of the information racers will need to prepare for the weekend.
A few things I just want to reiterate.
1. All racers must come to the number pick-up and waiver signing extravaganza at Canyons Resort on Friday afternoon > > 3:00 – 7:00PM
2. We will have a race meeting at 6:30PM – attendace recommended, but not mandetory.
3. PLEASE, tell anyone that may be supporting you at Deer Valley they must park at Snow Park Lodge (lower DV) and ride the lift up. Each racer get two FREE lift tickets – share them with others if you don’t use them.
Most everthing else is covered in the Handbook.
Lastly a simple reminder, for most it probably doesn’t need to be stated, but it will make me feel better if I do.
This race is in the mountains, the weather can change rapidly, and probably will. Make sure you have the right equipement that can get you through the race (light jacket is a good idea). Lightning is common this time of year, please read-up on how to keep yourself safe if this situation should arise.
Lastly, we do our best to have enough food for all racers wanting to use our support stations, however, sometimes that certian product that you wanted might be gone already. Please, be prepared and bring some extra if you think you might need it – it could be be the little diffence you’re looking for.
We’re excited to see you all at the finish line…have fun, be smart, and maybe you will be saying “I DID IT!”