Staycation: staying in your own backyard (basically not taking vacation). Mancation: taking a trip with a bunch of dudes. Try this on for size, Racecation! If it hasn’t been coined yet it should have been. I mean think about it, BC Bike Race, they feed you and move a tent around for you all week – all you have to do is show up and suffer.
So get ready to make a mini racecation out of the PCP2P this Labor Day weekend. Friday night will be the pre-race meeting, so get here a little early and check into your room at The Canyons Resort. Maybe get a little pre-ride in before the racer meeting. Next morning, up early and off to do the race. After the race, hang out and listen to the FREE concert in the forum at the canyons. Sunday and Monday…more riding and hanging out in beautiful Park City. If you think about it, you only are going to ride 75 miles of the nearly 400 miles of trail in the area during the race – so there’s way more to explore.
Book you room for the weekend at the Canyons, they are offering a great rate for racers and you’ll only need to stumble a few hundred feet to land in your bed after the race. $129 for a room – book it here.