The first Park City Point 2 Point went off without a hitch over Labor 2009. We had an amazing turnout of local, regional and national racers (11 states represented) – all arrived bright and early Saturday morning with apprehensive grins in place. We ended up with a total participation number of 168 people, truly a number exceeding our initial goal for the first year of the event. In the end, merely a handful pulled-the-plug on the day, and only a few more didn’t make the 3:30PM cutoff (some of which continued the journey to the finish anyway – true endurance junkies).
From our perspective, this event is going to live on! The goal is to have an event to come back to year after year (or skip one along the way), and challenge your personal record on the course, or the person who nipped you at the finish line in 09. We are so grateful for the support of the racers in this first year event, as we all know many times first year events get overlooked with a, “I’ll see how they do this year” attitude. Well…judging from some of the feedback drifting around online, I think we’ll have one heck of a turnout next year. Take some time to read about how the day unwound for other racers (excerpts and links below). I always love reading BLOG race reports, often times we get so ingrained in our own little race day battle we miss the happenings which may be unfolding right in front of us.
Here is one of my favorite stories of the day (close second to Grizzly Adam and his story of Karma). Everyone saw SlyFox out making sure everyone was…”getting paid” to race. So Pat rides by and Sly pays up, Pat stuff the dollar in his jersey pocket not thinking much more about it. A few more miles down the trail Pat puts a 1/2 inch slice in his tire. He starts into the repair and quickly realizes putting a tube into the tubless setup just isn’t going to cut it. At this point the mad scramble starts, looking for some type of material he could line the tire with so the tube stayed inside the actual tire. He tried the box the tube came in but it was too soggy, then he recalled an article he’d read a while back stating you could use a dollar bill in this situation to line between the tire wall and tube. The light-bulb overhead turns on…Sly paid me for racing and I have a dollar bill! The beauty of this story is Pat finished the race on the dollar bill patch!
Anyway, enjoy some of these stories if you haven’t already. And…Thanks again to everyone participating in this now annual event!
ALEX GRANT’S BLOG REPORT Park City Point 2 Point – Harder than Leadville….No kidding, that was tough. The course was 25 miles shorter but with the same amount of vertical gain and 74 miles more single track! My legs were much more sore yesterday and that much single track takes a toll on your whole body
PUA SAWICKI ON THE PCP2P The race is one of the best in America, making most US endurance races look amateur. Pua and I cannot say enough about how incredible the Park City area
GRIZZYLY ADAM AND HIS KARMIC RACE REPORT As I rode off I hoped I that I would not have need for the tool.
SONYA LOONEY LOVES PARK CITY! There are not many days out of the year where you can say you rode about 75 miles of primo singletrack, and even if you’re having a bad day, the quality of the race is AWESOME.
THE CARBOROCKET – – BRAD KEYES diabolical and Sadistic….Those two words describe not only the course but the race organizers of the PCPP to a “T”.
BRAD MULLEN REFUSES TO GROW UP After I finished and was at my car cleaning up and hacking and weezing, my wife of 25 years said, “why do you do these things?”
MONAVIE-CANNONDALE’S RACE REPORT Team Monavie-Cannondale’s Alex Grant was quoted after the race saying, “This is the only race I know that has more singletrack than the BC Bike Race.”
Congratulations to all!